27 February

Good Morning From The Tin Man – 2/27/22. A New Mansion Project Today

by Jon Katz

We got up early this morning to go over to the Mansion.

Maria joined the ongoing bingo game and lost twice. I began work on my new Mansion program, Faces of The Mansion.

I hope to do portraits and information on the residents’ lives and post a bit of them every week. I want to bring these people, who often feel lost and abandoned, to life –  for their own sake for the people who read the blog and contribute to the Army Of Good.

I hope to put up the first subject today. Maria and I feel snowbound, this afternoon we’re going to the movies to see the new Oscar-nominated animations.

We’ll get Japanese food for dinner. Thanks again to my late friend Ed Gulley for the Tin Man, which holds a place of honor in our yard.

Tuesday, we go to Bishop Maginn High School to present Sue Silverstein with Maria’s wonderful fabric hanging, “Mother Mary.”

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