24 January

The Wound: Where The Light Enters…

by Jon Katz

Someone sent me this Rumi quote years ago, and I hang it on the blinds in my study and look at it often.

I think it was one of the wisest and most powerful observations made by Rumi or anyone else.

We all have pain, we all have wounds, the question really is how do we deal with them.

We can drown in self-pity and grievance, indulge in complaints, feel sorry for ourselves, revel in drama and pity-me.

Or we can let the light in and see what we can learn, how we can grow, how we can change, how we can make room for the many beautiful things in life.

The wound is an opportunity for me, a chance to be better. It is how the light comes into me.


  1. Thanks, Jon. I am thinking about this now. My experience is that not all wounds are alike. Some become so loaded down with scar tissue, they become “protected” from the light. Other wounds never heal, but are constantly reinfected with anger, resentment and fear. And still other wounds welcome the healing light of God’s grace. Wound wisdom,…I’ve not thiught of this before reading your blog tonight. ..

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