24 January

“Hey, Mister: You OK?” – The Yellow Barns, In Color And Black And White

by Jon Katz

I come here for the solitude. I come to soak myself in memories before they evaporate before they float so far from my memory that I can’t catch them.” — Brenda Sutton Rose


I stopped the car and walked down an icy slope to catch the yellow barn on Route 22 from the sideway.

(Up here, when you stop the car, turn on the emergency lights in the cold and get out to take a picture, someone always pulls over or stops to ask if you’re okay.  We do keep an eye on each other up here, if we see somebody standing out in the cold, we want to make sure he has gotten or can get some help. I must make an odd sight, too. When I say I’m just taking a photo, they look at me strangely and drive off quickly. I love the country. People don’t  believe any sane person would stand out there in the wind and bitter cold for a photo of a barn. But cold is a serious business, much respected. I’m grateful for the concern.  In New Jersey, I could bleed to death by the side of the road before anyone would pull over and ask if I was okay. They didn’t want to know.)

Nobody ever asks me why or what I am taking photos of.

I love these yellow barns, they are as rare as they are beautiful. Most barns were painted red because it was the cheapest paint to make and buy. Yellow was and is much or expensive.

Above, is my I phone 13 Pro Max. Below, is the Leica. Two views that are both beautiful, yet completely different from each other.


  1. Jon, after a ski accident, I’m unexpectedly laid up for six weeks with a knee fracture. I’m in a full leg brace, getting around clumsily on crutches. I need to thank you for the magnificent black and white photos from around your county that you’ve posted the past few days. The photos strike me right in the heart with their beauty and their simplicity. I can’t stop studying them. During my period of immobility and recovery, I’m deeply grateful to you for taking me along on your journey through your rural landscape. And by the way, as much as I’m stunned by the black and white photos, the yellow barns today were a thrill. Thank you for your beautiful work.

    1. Thank you Heidi, what a lovely message to get, it hit me right in the heart…Please get well and thank you for telling me this. It means an awful lot..

  2. hope I’m not commenting too much, Jon……but your photos have always captured me from the very beginnings of your blog. These are both beautiful….. and though I am a lover of black and white………….. the color in this iphone image is spectacular. that beautiful yellow barn caught in the sunlight with the backdrop of dark gray sky…..just gorgeous. Thank you for always providing such a positive and joy filled note to every day
    Susan M

    1. Thanks Susan, you are certainly not commenting too much, I enjoy your messages and they often lift me up..thanks for that..

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