23 January

Zinnia’s New Job – Our Alarm Clock

by Jon Katz

Zinnia is a working dog with a heart. She has a new self-appointed job, waking us up around sunrise to go out and feed the animals (and her and the dogs, of course).

In typical Zinnia fashion, she does this in the quietest, most gentle ways.  She loves to work and loves routine.

This is new, and we don’t use the alarm clock anymore.

Zinnia sleeps at night on the foot of our bed, or sometimes she crawls up and snuggles on Maria’s side to keep both of them warm on a cold night.

As the run rises, she creeps slowly and quietly up the bed ( I thrash around too much and wake her up.) Zinnia is careful to approach us calmly; she does not wake us up.

She is, frankly, irresistible.

She puts her head on Maria’s shoulder or reaches around to put her head on my arm if it is nearby. When Maria and I stir – Maria sleeps like a brick – her tail starts wagging, and she leans forward every so delicately and deposits some licks on the hands or faces of anyone she can reach.

It’s enjoyable to wake up in this way.

If I whisper “get back,” she retreats to the end of the bed and remains still until called, or she hears the magic words “let’s get up!” and then, much wiggling and excitement.

I never take photos of Maria sleeping, but I showed her this one, and she said sure, put it up if you want to. I  couldn’t pass it up.


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