23 January

Scrubs For The Mansion Aides. Pastor Katz Returns To Pray This Tuesday. What life Is About

by Jon Katz

In the next two weeks, I’m returning to the Mansion and Bishop Maginn High School. No one has gotten sick at the Mansion, and Bishop Maginn High School has stayed open every day but restricted visitors.

I’m returning to the Mansion to continue my meditation classes, but also in a brand new and unexpected role on Tuesday: as an acting pastor, something I did not expect. At Bishop Maginn, I’ll be continuing my interviews and short profiles of the very remarkable students there.

I’m eager to return to both. This Tuesday, in my new role as Acting Mansion Pastor, I’ll conduct a Tuesday morning prayer service at 9 a.m. I’ll be available to anyone who needs a private talk.

I’ve chosen my opening exhortation for Tuesdays for the Mansion residents from the Thomas Merton Book Of Souls:

Life is not accomplishing some special work but attaining to a degree of consciousness and inner freedom which is beyond all works and attainments. This is my real goal. It implies “becoming unknown and as nothing.”

I’ll probably get back to Bishop Maginn (Maria too, with her sewing class) the following Tuesday. I can’t wait. Of course, there’s some Covid risk, but I’ve had all my vaccination shots and a booster.

I’m ready, and the Mansion and the high school would not let me in if they didn’t think it safe.

Today, I brought a big box of nurses’ scrums to the Mansion. Tania Woodward came out to get them and bring them in. Thanks to Valerie in Maryland for writing to make and asking if the almost new scrubs could be used at the Mansion. They can, thanks, Valerie.

I expect at the Mansion to get some winter requests for boots, sweaters, DVD movies, art supplies,  pajamas, and warm bathrobes this week. Contributions to the Mansion  Fund will be appreciated. We might also be asked to answer specific calls for help from the new immigrants from Afghanistan.

You can donate via Paypal, [email protected], or Venmo: Jon Katz@Jon-Katz-13. You can also send checks to Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

Thanks for that. I’m thrilled to be getting back to this work.



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