21 January

Portrait Of The Most Unlikely Friends

by Jon Katz

This unlikely Mutt and Jeff’s friendship continue to grow and deepen. Zinnia won’t take a treat unless Bud gets one first. She won’t come in from the kennel yard unless Bud comes in ahead of her (she’ll wait for him.).

This morning, she let Bud come to her food bowl and lick the bottom before she was done. In the house, they are almost often together, except when Bud gets close to the woodstove (too warm for Polar Zinnia.

If Bud wants her dog bed to lie on, Zinnia gets out of the way.

These two always look out for one another and trust each other completely. Fate doesn’t have all that much use for either of them, but she has come to tolerate them. It is a gift to see a friendship like this one.


  1. Canine hierarchy – put a couple of personality’s together and they figure it out. Sweet congeniality between the Little King and the Love Dog #2. (always laugh at those pics of them gnawing on each other’s heads!)

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