20 January

Animal Protest

by Jon Katz

Maria was away this afternoon, I was taking care of the animals. I was writing and got distracted. The animals all gathered by the gate and started screaming – the donkeys braying, the sheep baaahing, all clustered by the gate.

It looked like a Bedlam Farm animal protest. They all sounded ticked off. It’s going to be very cold tonight, they were hungry. The animals know what time it is. I put out some extra second cut hay and some grain for energy.

Another wind chill alert.


  1. My heart warns to Fate–ready to herd the ship in her own private way, but hating the cold and wet. My heart warms to you too. Be very careful don’t strain too hard or too fast. ( the unwanted advice I give to my husband always. He Is a very compulsive person. I have to watch what I say to him. I may suggest that something may be done, at sometime, and…ZIP…he is off and doing it.., however inconvenient for him, and I am crushed with guilt.

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