18 January

The Winter Pasture: The Arctic Sky: Five Views

by Jon Katz

Mother Nature is devious. In the midst of her ailing planet, she manages to crank out one beautiful sky after another, none of them more beautiful than the arctic sky, with its deep blue and crisp light

Today, I had to go to Saratoga Springs to get my new glasses, and on the way, I stopped a number of times to get images of the painfully cold and beautiful images I was seeing.

The first, above, was with my Leica, the camera of the iconic image.

The other four were images I passed as I went and they speak for themselves. It is very cold here. It is very beautiful.

The images speak for themselves. You can feel the cold.

This is the sky on the highway I live on.

Driving through Vermont, a farm near Eagle Bridge

I passed these horses near a busy highway.

The final image, below, was taken just around the corner from my house.



  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful images, Jon. God’s country even in the frigid weather.

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