17 January

Worried About Me

by Jon Katz

I’ve only had three dogs I can think of who I would describe as worrying about me. I love working dogs; as I’ve written, they have a special kind of bond with humans. Rose was concerned about me, and with good reason, we were alone on a 90-acre farm beset by blizzards and coyotes.

Red worried about me and watched me closely. Zinnia is concerned about me and follows me everywhere I go. Yesterday I went into the basement to help Maria get our water line to the barn thawed out; it has frozen in the night. It was cold and dark down there, and I stumbled and wavered my way in the dark.

When I came back, Zinnia was standing at the entrance to the basement – she had never gone down there – watching and waiting. Bud was right next to her, also watching, and I think I saw Fate standing in the kitchen watching between Zinnia’s legs.

I guess I like Zinnia watching out for me. We watch out for each other. I want to think if something happened and I needed help, she’d be like Rin Tin Tin and find a rescuer. She sure didn’t like me going into the basement by myself.


  1. I have a Blue Heeler named Quinn that I taught to bring me the phone when I tell her 911. She is a super-great dog always willing to help, looks like Tina the Miller’s dog.
    I tipped over in my kitchen chair on wheels yesterday, I laid on the floor and told Quinnie 911 and immediately she ran over and brought back the phone. This is just one of the many helpful things that I taught her to do. She is my protector.

  2. I read a book by Gary Paulsen, about all the dogs he has had over the years. (“My Life in Dog Years”) One winter, he was checking his traps down along a steep river bank, while he left his pack of sled dogs and the fully packed sled at the top. He fell into the icy river, and was able to call the lead dog who took the team down the incline to the water, a risky and difficult move, and they were able to drag him up to safety. I’d say that you have had dogs just like these – dogs that are concerned about your well-being, and willing to do what it takes to make sure that you’re ok. What a great blessing they are.

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