17 January

The Bishop Maginn Art Exhibition, 2021-2022. Works From The Heart. A Year In Their Lives

by Jon Katz

Sue Silverstein’s art class at Bishop Maginn High is a magical place, and in Sue, the art and theology teacher at the school, the students have their own merlin. She has a genius for pulling their very best work out of them.

None of them have lived easy lives. They create from the deepest part of their souls.

Sue asked the students to pick an image from this very difficult year in their lives. Sue, who never complains, says this has been the most difficult teaching year of her life.

It was very hard on the students as well. Out of their pasts, their suffering, their courage comes an outpouring of feeling that would melt a stone. Creativity is such an important outlet for them, and Sue has given them a wonderful way to tell their story. I’m proud and moved to share three of these photos, a preview of many good works to come.

This year, because of the pandemic, the exhibition will be shown virtually. Here’s the link to the rest of the art exhibition.

The work shown above is by Paris Campbell, Grade 10, “A Year In My Life.”


The artwork above is by Abalena Mandray, Grade 9. All of the works in the exhibition are titled “A Year In My Life.”

This work, by Kloreen Ifenuk, Grade 11, was made from paper strips.

I asked Sue if it would be all right if I offered some of the artwork for sale, pending the approval of the artists. The money would go to Sue’s art class for supplies and materials.

(Bishop Maginn High School Art Exhibition link)

I’m hopeful I can return to Bishop Maginn in a week or so when Covid dies down in the area. I hope to return to the Mansion next week, pending the approval of the director.

Of all the things I see and hear at Bishop Maginn, a wonderful place of love, learning, and healing, the art these refugee and inner-city children produce touches me the most. It speaks more than any words to their lives, their creativity, their compassion. their hope.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the photos you see here or on the virtual site, I think $50 is a fair price. You can e-mail me, [email protected] or Sue Silverstein, [email protected].  All sales will be strictly first-come, and all are dependent on the final approval of the artists.



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