14 January

Innovation: Our Own 15 Minute Bedlam Farm Super Soup

by Jon Katz

The Mayo Clinic weight loss plan encourages thinking differently about food and some innovation, so we went off the official meal plan tonight and came up with the perfect dinner on a frigid, wind-blown might with a massive winter storm approaching (12 inches of snow Sunday night.)

Happily, our new generator is fully operational; I have to go and fill up some gas cans tomorrow.

We scraped the meat and fruit plan (the only meat we eat is turkey and chicken) for a soup of our invention.

We poured the vegetable broth into a pot of water, and then I took over the stir fry: onion, carrots, celery, string beans, mushrooms, chicken all chopped up and poured into a pan with rice noodles (they have CARBS!).

I cooked the vegetables and the noodles separately, then poured them into the pan and cooked them together to distribute the flavors. I ran the pan into the broth (I put the chicken in small chunks, directly into the broth.)

Then  I warmed the whole thing to a boil. The result was this incredible, flavorful, and jarringly healthy meal soup that I named the Bedlam Farm Super Soup. It was also hot, which is excellent tonight.

Maria is turning me onto red wine, which is approved for diabetics, and I am coming to like it. We toasted Pumpkin, who died overnight. He was a sweet and gentle creature.

I’m sure we aren’t the first to think of it, but we did come to it on our own, and we loved it. Maria loves to chop up vegetables, and I love to cook them. It works. In the era of Covid, this is a fun thing to go.

Dessert was a sugar-free brownie the size of a large postage stamp.

Tomorrow, back on the breakfast plan- toast, mozzarella cheese, and fruit compote.


  1. I love soup! I keep a bag in my freezer for vegetable scraps, and when it fills up, I make stock. And then I search through the refrigerator to see what can go in. I am determined to always have soup in the refrigerator every week!

  2. Your soup sounds delicious! I may give it a try on this cold windy weekend! Thank you for sharing your journey, as a person who doesn’t like change especially in the food department I am beginning to see that it can be fun to try out new things. Thank you again and stay warm this weekend.

    I made slippers for my granddaughter out of Pumpkin and Merricats wool. He will continue to keep many of us warm. RIP Pumpkin!

  3. Finding a diet that works for you is key. I do get annoyed with ” true believers” who tell me that I should be vegan, vegetarian or a raw foodie without knowing anything about me or my body. Congratulations Jon.

    1. Thanks Kathryn, go for it. On social media, people are lined up all the way to Mars to tell other people what to do…the death of the mind..go for it..

  4. Soup sounds delicious! Have you ever tried lentils. My family never had them when I was young but as a adult I’ve learned the love them in soups and salads

  5. Soup looks delicious! Soup is one of my favorite foods to make as it makes the entire house smell so good while it’s cooking! I signed up for the Mayo plan, after reading so many good things in your posts, and started last Sunday. I’ve deviate a bit myself, but am impressed with the menus overall. We also love stir-fry dinners – and Mark loves to chop while I cook. Works out perfectly! Stay safe in the storm!!

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