9 January

Ice Storm, Through A Car Window

by Jon Katz

We’re in another treacherous and dangerous ice storm, there’s an inch or so of ice on every service, and walking is treacherous.

I made it out to the car to scrape it off and warm it up on the inside. I got the door open and sat in the car and put on the defroster.

I knew I couldn’t dare to walk on the black ice on the snow and driveway, Maria was helping me. When she came over to see how I was doing, I couldn’t resist snapping a photo of her and the front windshield.


  1. Jon…
    I remember those wavy images through ice-coated glass – and not fondly. In Dallas, we typically got one ice storm annually. In 1978-1979, it was the worst in 30 years. It began on New Year’s Eve, on the night before our return flight home. Arriving back in Dallas, we couldn’t leave the parking lot: the ice was more than one inch thick on our windshield, and it covered the door locks. Scrapers, lighters, and hot water did little good, because the outdoor temperature was 22 degrees (with a -6 degrees chill factor).

    In another year, Barbara decided the ice wasn’t so bad, and she left to join her coffee buddies. Later, we had to tow her from a neighbor’s front yard where she slid, coming to rest against a snowy cactus.

  2. Jon I read a few weeks ago that you have a problem walking on ice in the winter the reason I say this is because I am a 71 year female who loves being outside and I too have a black lab who as you know they love being outside well several years ago I took a fall on the ice and it was not pretty so I knew I would be back out side so I did some research and found my solution I use what are called Yaktraxs they slip over the bottom of your boots, shoes and prevent you from slipping while walking outside in the winter weather it be ice or frozen packed snow, I highly recommend them for you. You can find them online they are worth every pennie just sharing this information. Be safe. Have a great day!

    1. Deborah, every day someone suggests Jakatrax to me and thanks for caring. They don’t work on a farm with mud, manure and deep ice. I’ve had six or seven of them before I have up. There are many better boot options for a farm than those. Thanks for caring.

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