3 January

Still Sick: Rice And Hamburger Meat

by Jon Katz

Zinnia is still sick. We have a vet appointment on Thursday, it’s the earliest they can see her. She’s still sick, can’t keep food down. Lab owners are familiar with these episodes. Since they will eat anything, they often eat things that are not good for them. I made some rice and am heading out to get some hamburger meat, a good mix for dogs with stomach troubles. She seems anxious and restless, two rare states for here.

She insists on sleeping right on my feet. She’ll be all right, this happens all the time. I’m shifting to a lot more vegetables in my diet. Tonight, we’re making a stir fry with brown rice and tofu. I’m planning on losing 30 pounds by Spring. I’ve already lost 15. I went out for a morning walk but was blown back by the cold and the wind. Boy, is it cold today.


  1. sorry to hear Zinnia is still unwell…but as you say, the things they love to ingest most may have unpleasant after effects. I hope the rice/hamburger will stay down and that she feels better soon. It is frustrating to see them *off* their normal behavior. And I am impressed that you have focused on your healthy diet and have lost so much weight!
    As you have mentioned…..it’s not just *the food*…..it’s a lifestyle change….. Kudos to you. Perhaps you would be willing to share exactly *what* you do with the tofu? LOL! I’ve always had a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with it. but maybe you could share your method and preparation….as you have shared your pizza making in the past?
    Susan M

  2. Having worked in both emergency vet med and day practice, I would strongly urge you to see an ER vet if possible. Not being able to keep food down, especially with a young Lab, is always suspicious of a foreign body, and waiting too long can be detrimental. Better to go and find out it’s not something serious than to risk a bowel perforation.

    1. Dayna, thanks, I’ve talked to our vet several times and I am quite comfortable with where we are right now, and so is she. I do appreciate your concern, honestly, but I don’t my veterinary care from strangers online. I have a wonderful vet and I trust her completely. I know Zinnia very well, and if she’s in real trouble nobody will have to prod me to get moving.

  3. Jon, I realize you hate getting advice from strangers online, but look at Zinnias face from today’s post compared to your post of 12/22. Her face was so full just 2 weeks ago, and today it is thin, gaunt, wrinkled, and very sad. I too hate that you are waiting until Thursday to seek help. Just my opinion. Sorry if it angers you.

    1. We cut back on Zinnia’s food two weeks after the vet wants her to lose some.

      She was gaining weight, and she has lost some. Your message does not anger me, believe me, Sheila, I know you write from a good heart and I’ve given trying on unwanted advice. Nobody seems to care what I think.

      I am in touch with our vet and will see her when and if she thinks it’s necessary – could be today or Thursday or next week as previously scheduled, it’s up to her, not you or me or anyone online.If Zinnia spits or vomits, I’ll rush her over there today.

      Zinnia ate heartily this morning and is looking peppier, but I think she is still feeling poorly, not quite herself and I am mildly concerned I’ve been through this 100 times with Labs in my life, and I see nothing out of the ordinary here yet. If anything bothers me about your message, it’s the fact that you think I need it in order to care for my dog. There is nothing she needs that she does not get, including the best health care available.

      Online everything seems to be a drama or crisis. I know a lot about Labs, I’ve lived with them for much of my life. She ate something (dead dear foot, I’m thinking) as she has done five or six times already in her young life and gotten sick every time. We’ll get her through it and do whatever it necessary, of course.

      I don’t believe in declaring an emergency every time a Lab eats something stupid and soul. And I can’t afford it. I’ll post when and if there’s news.

      Thanks for caring, jon

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