23 December

Jasmine’s, Small Christmas Miracle At Bishop Maginn. And In January, A New Program: The Art Of Bishop Maginn High School

by Jon Katz

It seems this is a week of small miracles in my small world. First, there was Ruth at the Mansion suddenly playing the piano; then Jasmine played the Blessed Mother in Bishop Maginn’s annual Christmas Play.

You might recall Jasmine; I wrote about her a month ago. She has survived an incredible journey, from a homeless shelter and a girl’s home to being one of the star students at  Bishop Maginn, someone her teachers believe will change the world. She’s going to college next year on a full scholarship.

Jasmine is a person of enormous character, she talked about “growing the hardship,” not dwelling in it, and she is as good as her word, an outstanding friend, student, and human being. Hers was a long and challenging journey to a good place. She picked up strength, responsibility, ambition, and honesty along the way.

What an incredible story this is Christmas week, “from a tough past,” says Sue Silverstein, “to leading the Christmas prayers.” It is a beautiful story, and Jasmine is the perfect, wonderful person to star in it.

I was deeply impressed by Jasmine, a person of depth, character, and integrity. I think the teachers are correct. She just might change the world.

We got her a new instant Fuji camera; she takes photos every day and loves photography.

(Above. Jasmine as the Blessed Mother, Christmas Play, Bishop Maginn High School, Photo by Sue Silverstein)


Selling The Art Of Bishop Maginn, A New Program

Ler War, who is shy and humble, is grateful that many people wanted to buy her Santa sketches. She was amazed and pleased. I suggested that Sue pick the most exciting art in her class every month and permit me to offer the works for sale on the blog. I see there is a lot of interest in that among the blog readers.

Sue agreed, and that is a new program we’ll launch in January when the school re-opens after the holidays. The Art Of Bishop Maginn High School.

All profits will go to the school.


  1. i am uplifted by all the wondrous happenings you are creating…so much good. happy new 2022…more great things to come. what a finale, jon.

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