19 December

What People Put On Their Refrigerators

by Jon Katz

I’ve done an unofficial study for years about the two kinds of people – those whose refrigerators are covered with cards, magnets, stickers, and cards -and those whose houses look like real estate photos and who never put anything on their refrigerators.

Our refrigerator is jammed with images and stuff, thanks mostly to my artist wife, who throws nothing away and has a creative use for just about anything. Everyone in our house is a gallery, windows, and walls.

We put up things we care about, cards that are wise or funny, images that stick. If you feel like it,  you can post what you put on your refrigerator (or don’t) on my blog comments or on my Facebok Page. Some holiday fun.

Because I open the refrigerator door so often for cooking or when shopping, I find these images tend to get imprinted in my head. And oh yes, I am clumsy and bump into them, all the time, one or two is always on the floor.

We are not slobs, but we are not neat people either.

Our home, like our heads, tends to be cluttered and chaotic. It is oddly creative, and sometimes beautiful to live this way. You just have to clean up and get organized once in a while.

Maria and I recognize all the time that we really could not be happily married to too many other people, we’ve tried that, the truth is we need to hang onto each other. Notice Frida Kahlo right in the middle.


  1. Our fridge is covered in various magnets (mostly souvenirs from our travels and places we used to live), kids school stuff, grocery lists – general life stuff really.

  2. Love to put up meaningful, funny, inspiring stuff on my fridge, the wall next to where I sit at my computer and there is art on every available space in our house. Not slobs but not neat either, that’s us.

  3. We bought a new stainless steel fridge a couple years ago and realized after it was delivered that magnets won’t stick to the front of it. And I don’t like using tape. However, it juts out enough from the wall so there’s enough vertical space to stick my favorite Doonesbury cartoons to the sides where the magnets work. So our fridge isn’t completely naked.

  4. I love this! I have only one friend who has a *bare* fridge……and it is SO dull and boring in my eyes. I did NOT send her one of Maria’s *dishes* magnets because I knew she would never *get it* or display it! Our fridge is laden with a few old special family pics, a large and beautiful Maxfield Parish magnet, photos of our last dog and cat, current shopping lists………. emergency phone numbers (utility company, and the Vet) We are not slobs, nor are we *neat-niks*………… and I think it reflects who we are. and it always rotates. A dear friend of mine always said that *if I walk into someones home and there is nothing on the fridge, or no piles of magazines or books lying around……….they are really not friends I share much with*. I love your fridge!
    Susan M

  5. My fridge can tell my story of the last 30 or so years all by itself: photos of my grandchildren (school and sports); magnets from every place I’ve traveled since my retirement 22 years ago; a cartoon about who’s the boss, the dog or the owner (determined by who carries the poop bag); an early on cartoon of “The Emperor has no clothes” starring Trump as the emperor; and on and on. Such great fun over the years! Thanks, Jon!

  6. My sister, like Maria, uses her refrigerator as a canvas. Every inch in front is covered in magnets & images. It’s pretty amazing & entertaining.

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