16 December

Bud, The Sun Hunter

by Jon Katz

In the winter, Bud forgets about the hibernating chipmunks and becomes a sun hunter.

Wherever the sun strikes the house, Bud is there, I thought this one in the living room today was iconic. When the sun goes down, he moves to the woodstove.

Given that Bud was left to die in an outdoor pen for more than a year with no dog or other food in Arkansas,  (I don’t need to go into what he lived on), he is living in the lap of luxury.


  1. In a store I was chatting with a couple who were telling me about their recently acquired dog. A neighbor had wondered what to do with his dog when he moved. The couple had no idea he had a dog and learned that the dog had been kept in a cage in the garage. The couple immediately took the dog and reported that he was intelligent and was training rapidly. The poor dog was frightened at first but quickly became very affectionate. So glad he found a family.

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