5 December

Great Old Buildings: Was My Leica Gamble Worth It? YES!

by Jon Katz

(My photography is offered to you as a thank you for your support. It is not bookmarked or copyrighted; you are free to use it in any way you wish – screen savers, prints, folders, and files. I see each photo as an angel sailing out into the world to bring some light and joy. I hope you can and will enjoy them. No charge)

I took this landscape (one of the most beautiful old farmhouses around here) with my new camera, which came on my Iphone 13 Pro Max and is why I bought it. I lucked out with the sunset.

Because I buy and trade phones every year for the I phone cameras; I can afford a new phone whenever there’s a breakthrough with the camera.

This new phone will cost me $400 plus Apple Care once the existing phone is traded in.

I would guess the Iphone camera would not bring thousands of dollars as a free-standing camera.

This changed camera is stunning in every way. It’s been a joy to see the Iphone camera get better every year. A nod to you, Steve Jobs, there is no one like you in the world.

Visual images are a critical part of what Maria and I are doing. We need to keep up in every way we can.

The Iphone 13 Pro Max camera is more powerful each year, so the color stands out more vividly; the color and depth of field are lovely and sometimes much better than the Canon 5 D I traded in.

The automatic, macro feature is remarkable, and the video is of cinematic feel and quality. The autofocus clarifies the main focal point and blurs the background in soft color. The Iphone camera has new editing options that are sophisticated and bring the Iphone even closer to the big frame cameras edited in expensive software programs.

This camera is a better overall camera than my full-frame Canon 5D, and I did not ever expect to stay that.

It was a great risk and gamble. If I couldn’t make the Leica work for me, and the Iphone camera stayed the same, I would have been in great trouble.

but a successful one when I decided to trade in my Canon camera and all my lenses to B&H photo in New to pay for my new $7,000 Leica Monochrome.  It ended up costing me $700 and a decade of lenses and equipment.

The trade broke my heart a little, but it was time. Change 1s creativity.

I’m not rich, so I have to be fast and bold. I got my new camera just as the pandemic broke out, and there was no one in the showroom but me and one desperate salesman in a mask. I figured it was an excellent time to deal, and I was right.

I had no idea the 13 Pro Max camera would be such a leap forward. I love it.

I got an Iphone 13 pro for Maria as a Christmas present, she has a great trade-in deal also, and she is paying the $400, so we got each other a new camera.

I love the Leica and am just beginning to understand how excellent a camera is – I’m taking lessons at the Leica Academy in Boston.

So I have two terrific cameras now – the Leica monochrome and the Iphone Max Pro. One has excellent color, the other soft and clear black and white.

I’m camera rich and bank account poor and couldn’t be happier. I so look forward to learning how to use this great equipment and take special photographs.

I ended up with two terrific cameras that balance each other out with this trade. Now it’s up to me to make good on my instincts and take some great photos.

Thanks for coming along; your pros and cons have been valuable to me, and I am paying attention to them.


  1. This photo is very appealing to me. The vivid colors, the composition plus the house itself.
    The bonus part of your post, for me, is the iPhone camera review. I’ve been on the fence about getting it. Not now – this week I’m trading for one.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photo & for the review.

    1. Interesting post, Alice, I guess to me he is very much in my world, every day. Quite a legacy. He shapes and enables my creative life every day.

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