The reason I scramble so hard in the early summer to get our hay and wood all in is that I’ve lived up here long enough to know that sometimes, winter arrives in fits and starts, sometimes it comes in suddenly and just stays until April.
We’ve had snow now for three days, on and off, and it’s soon to say if this is the turning point or not, but it does have that I’m- not- going- away feeling. I’ll know in a week or so, sometimes it snows and snows, and the snow is still there in April.
We go out in the pasture every morning, the animals gather around Maria to get the news and I swear they seem to be talking to one another. Maria gives the weather report and reassures them that Spring is only six or seven months away.
Meanwhile, the dark days are upon us, the sun is down by 4 p.m. As color and light addicts, we miss the color and the light I am ready for the beauty of the winter pasture.
I have to give you credit Jon. Living in Wisconsin I could not handle having to constantly brush off snow on my vehicle. But I notice you don’t put yours in the garage -of course it is full of wood so you can’t. Still must be a pain to brush off snow almost everyday.