This is my favorite photo of the month, at least so far. Talk about gentle and soft. I went to the Mansion today and most everyone was at home with their families. I offered a meditation class to those who stayed behind and who like to meditate. As it happened, three close and loving friends came together – Claudia, Peggy and Deb.
They sat together on the sofa. I could see their strong and loving connection.
It can be lonely in elder care, everyone is moving towards the edge of life and working to get comfortable with it, even though it is rarely discussed openly. I make it a point of discussing it after every meditation, and I know the residents very much want to talk about it.
Just acknowledging their fear of death is helpful to them, I don’t need to say or do much. The conversations are beautiful and honest, they are never grim or depressing. And I can’t ever reveal them.
Peg was in the class for the first time, and she was a little nervous, she said. So all during the meditation, Claudia and Peggy and Deb held hands to support and comfort their friend.
Deb loved the class, as it turned out and said it calmed and ground her. “I felt better,” she said. She wants to come every week, and Claudia and Peggy were happy, and proud of her.
I believe it was the most touching meditation moment yet for me in about eight months of classes.
I took this photo in black and white because I believe black and white captures emotion better than color. For me, the photo is iconic, as inspirating in its own as the famous Iwo Jima Flag Raising Photo.
It stands for love, courage, empathy and friendship and I put the image up once more (it’s up in color below) because I think it is the photo of the month for me.