9 November

Peaceable Kingdom. Making Our Own News

by Jon Katz

At 3 p.m. after feeding the donkey and the sheep, Maria sits down on the grass to visit with the chickens, the barn cats and hang out with Fate.

It is like a meditation for her, and the animals watch for it and come out to gather together. It is a lovely thing to see, a calming thing, a reminder that we make our own news.


  1. A beautiful photograph, saying so much about yourself for capturing it and Maria’s loving communication with your animals.

  2. A beautiful day on the blog today. Thank you.
    That pic of Maria is the best. Hope you’re both doing well and good.

  3. Such a heartwarming and natural photo of Maria, Fate and Minnie. I see someone has some lovely new Hunter rainboots! 🙂

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