28 October

SOS: The Afghan Refugees Are Here, They Are In Desperate Need. We Can Help

by Jon Katz

The Afghan refugees have arrived, and they are in desperate need of help, even more than expected.

According to refugee aid workers, they need many things, among them are six things they need urgently. I think we can help. We will also go ahead with our Bishop Maginn Thanksgiving Basket Wish List next week.

The school has asked if anyone can send these items to the school as soon as possible.: Towels, Bedding, Blankets, Comforters, Quilts, Women’s Winter Coat Medium or Large, Men’s Winter Coat, Large.

If you can, send these items to Afghan Refugee Support, c/o Sue Silverstein, Bishop Maginn High School, 75 Park Street, Albany, N.Y., 12202.

These items are all on Amazon and can be shipped directly to the school at the above address. Note: This is not an Amazon Wish List. There wasn’t enough warning to set one up. I wanted to get these people as much help as possible ASAP.  We’re hard at work on the Wish List.

Amazon sells all of the items mentioned on Amazon.com and you can ship them directly to the school: we are trying to eliminate middlemen and get them here quickly. We hope to get a Thanksgiving Basket to wish list up next week, hopefully, Wednesday.

I bought sheets for a Queen bed and ordinary bathroom towels.

Refugee coordinators are wisely splitting up the need among different groups and organizations. They are asking various non-profit organizations for the other items – shoes, children’s clothes. They asked for our help, and I volunteered for the above items.

It’s already getting cold here, and the refugees from Afghanistan are not used to it or prepared for it. They are freezing and somewhat in shock.  Americans all over the country are rushing to help these battered, dislocated people. I’m proud to be one of them.

The items must be new and packaged for health and other reasons. If you want to help, the address is Afghan Refugee Support, c/o Sue Silverstein, Bishop Maginn High School,  75 Park Avenue, Albany, N.Y., 12202. The suffering is real and significant. When the students arrive at the school, we will find other ways to help them.

Our Thanksgiving Basket Wish List, supporting all refugees in the Bishop Maginn community, will be going up next week. This is not a wish list but a direct plea for help. Please remember, we can’t accept old or used items.


  1. Is it possible to be a bit more specific? For example, bedding for what size beds? Is it one woman’s coat and one man’s coat or are the coats for for several families?

    1. Mundi, I’m afraid it’s not possible. I haven’t met these people and there are hundreds coming in. Blankets and pillows and towels in any normal size will find a home..as we learn more about them, we can be more specific, but not yet..I bought queen-sized sheets and pillows and regular bathroom towels. They will get to people..

    1. Ann as I have mentioned several times, this is not an Amazon Wish List. you can buy the items on Amazon and ship them directly to Sue Silverstein, Bishop Maginn High School, 75 Park Avenue, Albany, N.Y., 12202. We are hoping to put up a refugee wish list in the middle of next week, probably Wednesday. You are free to buy any of the items mention and ship then any time…the school will distribute them..

    2. Hi,
      I just donated through PayPal. Please use it for the most urgent need. I’m working from an dresser right now and it’s not the easiest to work on.

    1. There is no Amazon Wish yet for the refugees’ Sheila, as I mentioned in my piece, that will be sometime next week.. The Amazon Mansion Wish List sold out..At the moment, there is none up and running..I think next Tuesday the thanksgiving basket with list for the refugees will be up and running…

  2. I also work for a social services agency. This year, instead of holiday baskets, we are giving one gift card for food and another to a general store, like Walmart. We have decided that the gift of choice is better than baskets.

    1. Interesting, we have decided to offer gift baskets as well as gift cards and people can choose which they prefer. That’s what they asked for. I like the idea of offering both. It looks like Wal-Mart will be giving us gift cards for turkeys.

  3. Thanks for doing this, Jon. I spent many years in Afghanistan and these lovely people are so worthy of our support. I sent as much as I could. I know your Army of Good will help these Afghans feel welcome.

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