The Mansion Halloween Festival is picking up steam, Aide Tania Woodward has a deep ghoulish streak, we are having a blast and we still have a month to go. This place is really going to get letup. It is already a mood changer.
The residents keep asking me for help in finding scary posters for their windows and doors. I did some worthy browsing last night. I’ve found six or seven great door prints and decorations, plush all kinds of LED lights, including little green goblins who light up at night. The Mansion Halloween is doing to be fun, it’s already a significant morale boost for people who need some sheer up and fun.
I showed these to the residents to make sure we’re not scaring anybody. The scarier the better, they tell me. Still, I’m not getting the really gory ones.
I’ve also found some decorations for the outside of the Mansion, Tania Woodward has some beautifully spooky ones.