22 September

Windowsill Gallery: Mansion Meditation This Morning

by Jon Katz

I took this windowsill gallery shot in the bathroom window; I love the shifts in light and detail of Maria’s favorite rocks and the curtain.

This morning, meditation class at the Mansion, then a 2 p.m. doctor’s appointment. I’m ordering a desk diary so that I can keep better track of things.

Tonight, Maria goes belly dancing. I’ll order some Asian food for us when she gets home. Maria usually conks out minutes after she gets home from dancing. Those ladies work hard.

I’m pausing my availability to drive Moise and the other Amish around. The doctor says no to lots of moving right now, and it may be sometime after my food surgery that I can drive long distances again or drive at all.

I think short distances will be acceptable, but not, perhaps after the first few days after surgery. I can still deliver my ice cubes and occasional pizza to the Millers. The pizza I brought yesterday was a big hit.

Initial indicators are that I will not put weight on my left for four to 6 weeks. Fortunately, writers don’t have to walk around much. I’ll find a way to get to the Mansion and  Bishop Maginn.

My meditation class at the Mansion is important to me and to the six to eight residents who come faithfully. I got them all meditation beads to help them and remind them to meditate any time they want.

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