It always pays off for me to get up early and see the sunrise over the old Red Barn.
Every morning, I say my Mantra or some version of it. I don’t whine about the pandemic or politics or floods or fires or drought. Everyone has it worse than I do
Those are not things I can control. They are sad and awful things, but I am the master of my feelings and hopes, no one else.
I think of two positive things.
I think of two things I love.
I think of two things that love me.
I remind myself to stay strong.
I remind myself to stay from people who can’t feel hope.
I stay away from people who speak poorly of their lives.
I plan at least one good thing – a small act of great kindness – a day for someone needy and vulnerable.
I ask myself who I wish to be today and thank myself for being a better human.
I think of gratitude and all the things I have in my life.
My mantra is an excellent way to start the day.
I hug my dogs.
Your way of starting the day is a lesson for all of us to followK. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this.
I am printing out your mantra, in hopes that I get better at following one myself. Thanks.