6 September

The Sheep And The Stupid Man. Into The Muck

by Jon Katz

It was yet another stupid morning for me. I looked out the bedroom window and saw a single sheep standing alone in the midst under an apple tree.

I ran out (no clothes, of course) and put on a pair of slippers, which I thought was the responsible thing to do. I had my Leica because I imagined the black and white photo I could catch in that light.

I didn’t know it was raining all night and the pasture was deep in muck, which sucked the shoes right off of me and left me ankle-deep in manure. So much for the bandage on my left foot meant to keep it dry.

I was in trouble out there; I was sinking into the mud, exposing my injury manure, and unable to take a single step, let alone get the photo I  wanted (the one above.)

Also the clouds were beginning to clear and I would soon be visible from the road in all my splender and glory.

Maria, who has a sixth sense for my stupid bumbling, came running out yelling at me. “What were you thinking running around naked out there! You’ve ruined the slippers and soaked your wound in manure. Get in here!”

I wasn’t thinking about of course, and there was no way I was seeking help in that situation, although I had panicked a bit a few minues early, I was afraid I couldn’t walk out of the muck.

I slogged a few feet back, and the sheep, to my amazement, was still there, as if he was waiting for me.

I was a mess, my slippers (new) were a mess, and my legs were covered in mud and donkey shit. However, I did get the photo, and we managed to clean up the mess (I think the slippers sustained fatal injuries.)

That was my stupid morning; there are two or three a year. I might need a different approach.


  1. Jon…
    Nope, same approach: in those dawn/dusk transitions, the shot won’t wait. But bring a robe . . . the sheep might have a Leica, too.

  2. Jon,
    Maybe keep a robe handy for you to grab. Perhaps hang it in the bathroom for easy access.
    This was a very entertaining story to begin my day with…hahahaha

  3. When down, I don’t usually check in with all the sources that sustain me in one way or another. It seems too much effort. For some reason I’m not getting email notice of new posts for Bedlam but today it was on my mind and I clicked here first. I am never disappointed; I got a laugh and my heart was moved at plight. I am in my own muck and this made me laugh out loud in chagrin for you and gratitude for Maria. I have two of her postcards hanging in my studio space. She rescues me, too. My best to you both ~

  4. Oh MY !!!! Jon, you made my day…I am still laughing and smiling ! Give anything to have been a little bird sitting in that tree… a vision to behold . My medicine for the day.

    Thank you !
    A Friend

  5. Imagine what the NCY rapper and his crew would have thought if they had arrived with you out there. I’ll bet his camera man could have taken some interesting photos of you. Perhaps he could then have done a show in NYC entitled “The Stupid Man: A country bumpkin enjoys the freedom of life in the wild.”

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