3 September

Sunrise: Morning Walk With Zinnia, And My Leica

by Jon Katz

The sky has been strangely and intensely beautiful in the morning, starting with fog, then dark clouds, then the sun bursting through. Walking with my new Leica and  Zinnia.

I experimented with different settings, and then the sun popped out from the clouds and blinded me. I closed my eyes and took the shot.

I felt I could hear the angels singing up there for a few minutes, and then the sun retreated and hid behind the dark clouds. These walks steady me, give me hope and strength.

I keep getting this curious feeling that the camera is into my head and captures what I am thinking of. Sometimes it’s too early, sometimes too late, but it somehow feels that it gets into my head.


  1. Jon…
    Shooting with film took patience. And that type of patience was not a virtue; it was an impediment.

    When you snapped the shutter, you had a sense of what the picture might look like. But using film, you could wait days, sometimes weeks, until you saw the developed image. The result might not be what you remembered, or even intended. And often, it was a disappointment.

    If your shot was experimental, recalling its shooting conditions and settings could be a challenge.

    With the instant feedback of digital photography, you could quickly identify your misjudgments, calibrate your expectations, and try again. The learning process is greatly accelerated.

  2. I am a cloud watcher. I see so many things in them. Love this photo. One can see so much in the depth of the black, white, gray.

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