30 August

Well, The Baskets Were A Big Hit. It Feels Good

by Jon Katz

I drove by the Miller farm this morning on the way into town, and I was happy to see the stand with nine baskets stuffed with beautiful fruits and vegetables.

They loved it. One of the girls saw it last night and went to tell the family it was there. “I bet I can guess who put that there,” said Moise. He said he wished he had thought of it himself; it was just right.

I was thanked profusely even though I didn’t admit to having bought it, put it together, or put it in front of the shed.

It does look great. The girls went out to the fields early this morning to stock the baskets.

It felt good to see how much they liked it, and there were no issues or concerns of any kind. I think we have reached a very nice level of trust.

The Amish are not needy, but their lives are complicated and challenging.

I’m thrilled to help in small ways, and I have learned what makes them comfortable and what doesn’t. I love these baskets and the way they look. People were already lining up to check out the vegetables when I arrived.

I’m off for a doctor’s appointment. I’ll check in later. They were very pleased.


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