30 August

Another Surgery To Keep Me Moving

by Jon Katz

One of my doctors is often on me to take it easier, do fewer things, and slow down. This will not happen. The rest of my doctors want to keep me moving.

As I’ve written, I’ve had troubling foot troubles in one leg, and doctors always get nervous when people with diabetes get foot trouble. (Thanks, but I don’t need to hear about your Uncle Harry losing his foot).

After months of trying this and that, I’m back in my special boot so that the pressure on my big toe will ease.

Today, X-rays. I have a bone spur and Dr. Daly, my podiatric surgeon, says she needs to remove it. This will have to be done in a hospital or surgical center in Saratoga Springs.

I had another minor surgery on my foot today, we’ll give it two weeks to heal completely, but I’ll be needing surgery to remove the bone spur. It’s time.

This is not a great big deal. My foot is not infected; it’s just that the bone spur is causing trouble and needs to be dealt with. I’ll be in the hospital for one day.

As my heart surgeries have done, this procedure will make it easier, not harder, to get around.

I’m very fond of Dr. Daly, a podiatric surgeon.

Direct, competent, efficient. Meanwhile, back to the surgical boot and the daily bandage, complete with strong anti-biotics.

No riding around with Moise, no driving Barbara and Moise to the bus or train for a while,  but I can toss the ball for Zinnia and bring ice cubes up the farm once a day.

I can hang out with my wife, make my Cauliflower pizza, take photos, and blog.

Life is good and about to get better. Many things in the world are a lot worse than having a bone spur removed. Just watch the news.


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