29 August

We Brought A Wicker Throne Home For Bud. Okay, It Was My Idea

by Jon Katz

Normally I can blame Maria for this sort of thing, but this time, I have to take responsibility.

We were exploring for my delayed birthday celebration in Bellows Falls, Vt., one of our favorite places. We wandered into this oddities shop after seeing a small wicker rocking chair and a wicker bench in the window, both obviously for children.

“We should get one for the cats,” I said, “and one for Bud.”

Maria looked shocked. “Are you kidding,” she asked me. “This isn’t the sort of thing you do?”

Sure it is, I said defensively; look at all the money I spent on treats. Bud deserves his own throne. He’s the little king, and he’s been through a lot. He doesn’t get as much attention as the other two.”

Maria rolled her eyes and then laughed. “I love that you want to do this,” she said, while I grumbled and mumbled that it was no big deal.

We got home a few minutes ago, and we put Bud’s throne in front of the wood stove living room fire. In the winter, I said, all we have to do is turn it around. I dropped a treat on it, and Bud hopped and barked excitedly.

Maria laughs every time she looks at it, and we both know who she is laughing at. She says she can’t quite get over it. Bud has paid his dues and then some. He deserves his own throne.

He is a sweet dog, especially given what he’s been through. He hopped right up on the bench; I think he’s going to love it, especially when it’s cold and the stove is warm.

I figured I better get this up on my blog before she gets it upon hers. We’re still unpacking. I have photos to share from Bellows Falls, one of the most evocative places we’ve yet seen.

The two cost $50, and the seller wasn’t budging. I surprised myself by buying them both – they are, he said, a set.

I think I’m probably losing my mind, but I am excited about it. The rocking chair is out on the back porch near Minnie and Flo. I pointed out defensively that I am often doing things I’ve never done this day,


  1. If what you did was losing your mind, I think you are a member of a huge club. Me included!! We do love our animal family members!!

  2. It’s your birthday! It’s perfectly okay to indulge yourself. And you’re still thinking of others—in this case, Bud. What a great family!

  3. I think you are secretly a softie at heart 🙂 Very sweet and I’m certain Bud and the cats will love them.

  4. Really missed you. Bud looks proud of his new perch.
    Oscar Mayer sits on back of the sofa so he can look out of the window. Occasionally a cat walks by & he barks. In the evening we have racoons, possums, & a groundhog. They drop by for the dinner scraps. Oscar & Zeus both bark at them. No way I’d ever let them meet face to face. Anyone of those varmits would kill these poor dogs.

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