27 August

Three Images of Color, Hope Light. See You Sunday

by Jon Katz

I left behind three images that speak to me of peace, color, and hope.

The first is Flo, above, our barn cat, staying ground and deep in cat reflection.

The second is a cart full of tomatoes, just picked from the Amish Farm up the road. It signified plenty; they were just picked.

The third image s color. I cut this bouquet myself this morning and dropped it off in the Amish Foodshed on Donut Friday. A surprise.  People need color.

Our country is dark; people are having a hard time, the angry and aggrieved are everywhere, Jefferson’s mob unleashed. I have no doubt we will come through it.

I leave these images as bright spots the call us to the future, not the past.


  1. I love that well worn red chair! I need to try to grow my own tomatoes too…red is one of my favorite colors, how did you know? Enjoy the inn in Vermont. Say hi to Maria.

  2. Jon, thanks for the flowers,the color. It’s dark and cloudy today, Mohawk Valley, love the cool, but not the dark sky. Relax and enjoy your mini- vacation. Love the cat, picture looks like a print in my hall way, of gray stripe cat, sitting on old, wooden, cane seated chair in old kitchen.

  3. Thanks for reminding us to see the absolute beauty, and feel gratitude for the everyday, ordinary things. Much love.

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