I’m thinking my Zinnia garden has about three weeks left to go, the rain is drowning it, I think, and the lower leaves are turning black. The flowers are still looming, but I sense a change.
This weekend, a hurricane may pass over us, drenching the area with even more rain. The farmers are going wild, there is no way to harvest their crops in this deluge. The ground is soggy and there is flooding everywhere.
We are joining the rest of the country in climate misery.
I did get another bouquet out of the garden – it has been very productive so far- and I call it the White Hen Bouquet because one of the younger white hens jumped on Maria’s woven chair and watched me the whole time.
I cut the flowers, pruned them, as I love to do, and brought them into the house. They are in the living room. My garden has done what I hoped it would do and given us fresh and colorful flowers all summer.
We’re not done yet.