Amish horse-driven buggies were arriving from all over the county and the area this morning, assembling to put a roof on the new workshop of Moise’s so-in law Eli and his daughter Katie Ann.
Between 20 and 3o carriages and their laborers arrived early and raised the roof around 7:30 and will be hammering around all day.
They’ll be fed lunch and dinner.
This morning, I saw the roof was up. In the photo below, you can see where it was yesterday.
Eli’s workshop barn will hold some horses, his tools, and lumber for the building he’ll be doing. Later in the year, the workers will come back to build the couple a house nearby.
The Amish have brought great energy to our town.
New structures are going up, people are coming from an hour or more away to buy their baked goods and fresh vegetables and soap and five or six farms have already been reclaimed and are green again.
Moise says there will be more.
After building his road, Moise came over to his daughters’ new farm to work every day. The Amish girls are preparing the meals. All the buggies’ horses are tied up in the woods or in the pasture grazing.
Are they milling their own wood? If so, how?
I don’t know Robert…