17 August

The Birdbath Tells Us When Fall Is Here

by Jon Katz

Usually, our birdbaths tell us when Autumn is coming. The leaves start to come off of the birch and apple trees. The garden flowers start to fade and it’s beginning to get darker earlier.

The morning breeze has a slight bite to it and some of the flies are beginning to be less dense and aggressive.

I see the donkeys are beginning to grow a winter coat. Photographers are quick to sense a change, they depend so much on the light and where it is. Autumn is a photographer’s light, it slants from the side earlier in the morning and early in the evening.

My Zinnia garden is beginning to look frayed and tired. But the birdbath usually spreads the news first.


  1. Autumn in upstate NY is a wonderful time of year. Here in NC we are still in the high 90’s. I miss the distinct seasons from my childhood years in NY. I lived in California for more than 15 years and came to realize that my body missed the rhythm of the changing seasons in a physiological way.

  2. August in Alabama is a preview of hell. Most days hit 100+. I can’t wait for 85-90° days. Don’t even ask about the humidity. And the skeeters are bigger than humming birds.
    But, we’ll have 50° days in February.
    It’s whatever you’re accustomed to.
    I’m so hooked on your blog.

  3. Jon…
    Autumn in the Valley of the Sun (Phoenix area) usually hits about mid-October.

    About mid-September, the “pre-Autumn” season will begin. It is heralded by the end of the “monsoon” season of spontaneous rainfall (“popcorn thunderstorms”) arising from the prevailing wind direction and moisture level. That will occur on one particular day when you notice the cumulus clouds have evaporated into a clear blue sky, the humidity has dropped, and you feel more comfortable. But it’s still warm.

    From then, the only rainfall event Arizona could see until next July would originate from either a dying Eastern Pacific hurricane or a Winter storm from the Pacific, gusting in through California.

    Then around Halloween, the welcomed cooler day will come. I might look for a jacket and check the heater. But for visiting New Yorkers, it’s still shirt sleeves for you.

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