16 August

The Monday Clothesline

by Jon Katz

The Amish are a plain people, but their clotheslines are among the most beautiful that I have ever seen. I’m not sure why their clotheslines are so pretty and call me to photograph.

Perhaps it’s because the lines stretch out so far, I can find a good angle to shoot. On Mondays, I always make sure to stop by the Millers at some point in the day. They tell me each time that’s okay to photograph the clothesline. And I ask each time.

The Monday clothesline at the Millers has become an integral part of my life.


  1. I saw my first Amish people many years ago when visiting my friend Sandy Proudfoot in Canada. Their clotheslines ARE a thing of beauty……they caught my eye then, as they do now. Orderly, perfectly hung pieces of art. Lovely photo
    Susan M

  2. I love how you pay such attention to detail and to the simpler things in life. My mom always hung out her clothes…and when she moved in with us she continued to hang them out…no dryers for her. So looking at your photos of the clothes on the line is very nostalgic. Thank you.

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