7 August

Birthday Boy: Kicking Off The Jon Katz 2021 Birthday Festival: Joy, Redemption (And Resentment, A Freudian Slip)

by Jon Katz

Maria woke up this morning and asked me how I’d like to celebrate my birthday tomorrow, Sunday. I had this sudden inspiration.

I said I’d like to have a three-day festival, starting today. I’d call it the Jon Katz Birthday festival of joy, redemption, and resentment.

Maria kicked off the festival by siccing Fate, Zinnia, and Bud on me when I drifted back to sleep.

The last just came out, I said it was a Freudian slip, but Freud wrote that there are no accidents, so I’ll leave it in. We’ll figure it out later.

I’m going to be 74 tomorrow, and I never once thought I deserved to live this long or would. But here I am, living my love and loving it. Gratitude.

I have a wonderful partner in life, great dogs, wonderful donkeys, my precious blog, my new Leica camera, and a perfect little farm in a beautiful town.

I can honestly say on my birthday I have everything I have ever wanted and more, and everything I need, and more. I don’t know how anyone can ask for more.

Maria thought three days was a little much and somewhat narcissistic for a birthday celebration. She agreed to take me to a play tomorrow in Bennington and buy me some whole-bellied clams for lunch. That is a great beginning, I’ll have to sort through the rest myself, as she pointed out, she has work to do.

I usually don’t celebrate birthdays at all, but this year feels different somehow. I feel I have so much to be thankful for. We have some food shopping to do today and we have to buy nine cans of paint for Mahlon’s second coat.

Maria is hinting at buying me lunch. The festival is underway, for however long it actually lasts. Okay, three days is a little grandiose, but we are off to a good start today and it isn’t even my birthday yet.


  1. HAHA…Resentment…like Festivus…the airing of grievances!

    Happy Birthday! I have been reading your work since you came to peddle your Housewife Detective series at our bookstore in the early 1990’s….it has been a pleasure to see what you will be up to next. Enjoy your day.

    1. Hey Carol, that’s a long time to be putting up with me, thanks for the reading and thanks for still reading..I remember the name but not the place..many thanks..

  2. Warm Birthday wishes to you, Jon! I don’t believe 3 days of celebration is grandiose at all! A play, a few lovely meals, and as always, just being appreciative and thankful for what your life is now. That *might* take 3 days!
    Susan M

  3. Wishing you so much birthday joy. Thank you for all the times your blog, both writing and photos, have added warmth, or humor, or self reflection, or artistry to my days. Especially in these times where the cacophony of voices can feel like a minefield, I am so glad I discovered your work. Your recent choice to take back your blog made this an even more civil and reflective space to visit. Happy Birthday!

  4. Happiest 74th Birthday to you, Jon! Any celebration is a good celebration, no matter the length of time! I hadn’t had a public celebration in decades, but decided that my becoming 70 in May was a cause for one. We waiting until late June, so my friends and I could celebrate at another friend’s beautiful lavender farm…feasting on French macarons and lavender lemonade, cutting fresh organic lavender and making lavender wands. It was a day I’ll remember for the rest of my years, and hope yours will be the same…whatever you might do to celebrate! Enjoy every minute!

  5. happy birthday Jon.. i enjoy your writings and live similiarly life is better when you wake with joy see the sunshine and feel thecool breezes you were my support during my cancer fight.. and nothing is better then a hot beverage on my deck,,, long life and hug your furkids hugs Janet

  6. wishing you a very happy birthday! what a great idea celebrating for 3 days.im going to have to try that. I have enjoyed your books so much I love the ones about the your dogs.

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