3 August

The Sole Blueberry Bush Survivors

by Jon Katz

My two poor blueberry bushes were under attack this morning from our two new white hens, we caught them pushing through the fence and eating the blueberries, which had gone from green to blue.

There were only two survivors left and Maria and I split them and then ate them. They were pretty nice.

The bushes were unharmed, and we’ll have our netting out in the Spring. It could have been worse.


  1. oh yes, those hens can dessimate a crop of any kind in no time flat. Sorry you only got 2 berries…..but now you know what to do to protect them! I’m sure the berry you and Maria shared was much cherished and enjoyed! I lost an entire crop of lettuce to my sole remaining hen in just one day……she’s like a rototiller!

  2. You can actually pick blueberries when they’re not quite ripe since they will ripen up, ‘blue up’, sitting on the counter……next summer. ? ALL birds like blueberries so netting is definitely needed; just make sure no birds get caught in it. We had a few bird kills when we grew a whole garden of blueberries/raspberries/strawberries/kiwi. ?

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