2 August

Lulu And Fanny Hustle Me For Corn Husks

by Jon Katz

Lulu and Fanny have my number. The second I walked out of the corn with husks in my hands, they started working on me to give them the husks when I pulled them off the corn.

They have trained me skillfully to do that, for more than 15 years they have wrapped me around their hooves. Lulu in particular knows how to make the pleading face, Fanny is a little more dignified.

Both of them know they will get the husk, and they did. I took the photo with my new Leica, I like it.


  1. Lulu and Fanny know you are a gentle man…and even though they know that you will give them the husks of the corn…they will love you even if you do not…animals know when we humans love them…

  2. Jon, does your Leica do filming? If so, please film Lulu and Fanny braying again…….you know, their meet and greet when you come out in the morning…….I love it!!!

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