2 August

Tomorrow: Helping Bishop Maginn To Open Up In September

by Jon Katz

Tomorrow, Zinnia and I and Maria are going to Bishop Maginn High School in Albany to meet with Sue Silverstein and Principal Mike Tolan.

I’m also meeting with a couple of new refugee students to the school.

I’m happy to be back at the school. It is almost a second home for me, and for Prom Queen Zinnia.

Once again Sue Silverstein’s art room and the school gym are being opened up

this summer for any kids looking to stay off the streets, which are especially dangerous right now. There are a lot of shootings and robberies in Albany.

Good news. The school’s enrollment is breaking all records for September, word of the school’s terrific Covid safety record and safe and supportive environment is spreading.

When the Albany schools shut down last year, Bishop Maginn stayed open, virtually and in person.

Thanks to the Army of Good’s safety supplies, the school had a wonderful record for safety during the pandemic, they kept their kids safe. Mike Tolan said health department officials told him BMHS had the best safety set up of any school in the city.

Thanks to all of you for that..

The enrollment is great news because the school is not exactly a money center for the Albany Diocese and year to year, there are constant rumors about the school’s future being in doubt.

Mike and Sue want to talk to me about supporting an Amazon Wish List for the Art and English class that hopes to raise money for books for the fall and for art supplies for Sue Silverstein.

Without us, the school cannot afford to purchase these supplies, and the Diocese has no funds.

This will be an Amazon Wish List, all money goes directly to the Wish List, all the items on the list go directly to the school (if people don’t wish to go Amazon, they can send their donations to me and I’ll buy the items.

Zinnia loves the school, she was trained there, and I’ve missed teaching there since the virus came. I hope I can resume my English class this Fall.

I’m happy to be supporting this wish list, and I hope many of you can join me. This school is a worthy place, they do so much good.

A new English teacher wants to assign some timely and relevant books and Sue wants to get her art class up and running again.

Parents tell me often they have no idea what they would do without Bishop Maginn to send their kids to.

I think the wish list will go up tomorrow afternoon and seek about $1,500 in books and art supplies. We have made a huge difference to these families, it is one of the joys of my life to support Bishop Maginn, More tomorrow.

Thanks for your support.


  1. THIS IS SUCH GREAT AND GODLY WORK!! WHAT A GREAT RESULT!! I loved your story of Sue and Alvin. I am sending $25 to you for the Bishop Maginn school thru PayPal. I’ll leave a note there saying the money is for them and your GREAT work with this GREAT school

  2. This isn’t a reply to the post, but just read an obit on George Forss in The NY Times this morning . It was very nice. Thought you might want to look it up. Thank you for your writing. I look forward to reading it every morning. (Also Maria’s writing)

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