1 August

Fate At Rest, From The Leica; Soft Zinnia

by Jon Katz

This weekend, I’m beginning to experiment with photographing the dogs and other animals here, starting with Fate and Zinnia.

I wanted a shot of Fate asleep on the sofa (where she is not permitted to go) and a shot of Zinnia doing what she loves to do, which is looking lovingly and longly at me.

Fate is always in motion, images of her still and at rest are unusual.

Maria claims I look the same way at her. She is soft, so I wanted the portrait to be soft. She has a sweet and goofy look, like great Labs do.

I want to say that the Leica is extraordinary. It is easy to use, but radically different from anything I’ve ever used, so I am still working to understand it and get the focusing right.

I’m getting closer every day.


  1. A friend of mine also just purchased this camera, and was struggling a little with focus, so I did some reading. The reviews of the autofocus on this camera are not great. Not terrible, but not great. That being the case, I’m not surprised that you are also struggling a little with it. I’m sure you will both figure it out with a little time.

  2. Unrelated to this photo, but wanted to comment-I am currently reading “How to be a Good Creature “ by Sy Montgomery. I know Maria has read this author’s “The Soul of an Octopus”. In the work I am reading, the author talks about her life with animals and, specifically, the border collies she has shared her life with. One of those dogs was named Tess…a paragraph from the book…’People often speak of a lifetime dog, a phrase that may have been coined by the author and fellow border collie owner Jon Katz. “They’re dogs we love in especially powerful, sometimes inexplicable ways,” he’s said. Tess was our lifetime dog.’ Maria might enjoy some of the other works by this author as well.

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