29 July

The Day After: The Barn Raising As Ballet, Musical, Or Gospel

by Jon Katz

When I look over my photos from yesterday, I realized that the pictures of the Amish man and their sons putting up this barn had a special quality to them.

It could be a ballet, it was so beautiful, or a Broadway musical, it was so vibrant, or a Gospel song, it was so spiritual.

Over the next few days, I’ll be repeating or posting some of the photos that I thought best captured the spirit of the barn raising.

This one is special to me. I love the two workers up high in the sky facing one another so fearlessly and skillfully. I love all the workers down below supporting them, getting wood up there in the clouds.

I call the photo “working together,” as it embodies the power of human beings to go good rather than argue about what good is.

Today, the journey continues. I’m driving Eli, the foreman of the raising, and his three children and Moise’s stepmother to the bus station in Glens Falls, they are returning home.

These are among the Amish people I most enjoy being with and talking to, the ride should be fun. I won’t take money from them either.


  1. it could be a ballet, or broadway musical – and the photo could have been taken this or last or 19th century….timeless! great photo, Jon, thank you for posting!

  2. Just Amazing! Thanks so much for the pictures & expressive narrative so that we all could enjoy this experience. A beautiful barn! Have appreciated you writings about your relationship with this family.

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