28 July

So Far, My Favorite Photo Of The Barn Raising

by Jon Katz

My favorite photo came about one hour into the fundraising. I loved the image of the Amish men getting ready to put the crest on the roof, all sure-footed and at ease, hammering in different directions.

There was little talking, everyone seemed to know just what they were supposed to do, and everyone did it well and without complaint.

Eli is a master leader, everywhere at once, shouting warnings, encouragement, instructions. It could not have flowed more smoothly, as complex and potentially dangerous as it was. No union would have permitted such work; no corporate company would have dared it, few communities would want to do it, few parents would allow it.

The Amish are unique; perhaps that is what makes them so fascinating to me. Moise, for the first time, looked harried and exhausted. I  hope he manages some rest before plunging into the next thing. Not likely.

The photo seemed to me to capture the spirit of the barn-raising, the sense of a community coming together, the sense of hard work being done joyously and without complaint.

I’ll print out several copies; Eli has already asked for one. Moise won’t ask, but I’ll get him one. I’m going back up there in a few minutes; more to come.


  1. This picture tells a great story. Can you imagine how much better our world would be if everyone jumped in to help each other? Thank you for sharing their story.

    1. Seeing this picture made me think of just how different life would be if more of us pitched into helping each other.

  2. Did someone already ask this question…..
    I thought the Amish Community did not allow pictures to be taken of them or their families?

  3. this brings tears of joy to my eyes, my heart is broken open and I have so much hope for humanity. a case of what greatness humans are capable of. Thank you for sharing this journey with us.

  4. A marvelous photo of the workers! I am hoping for many more now that other than portrait-type captures are fine with the family. One typo noticed, you typed fundraising instead of barn raising. Enjoy, Jon! You have been a help to this new family and it seems a positive experience all round.

  5. Among the many wonderful and thoughtful anonymous photos, this one is absolutely the best…at least so far.

  6. Amazing photo, Jon! I sure Eli and Moise will love having a copy. It is truly astounding to see this event, even from afar! Such detail in the wall that were raised, it appears the sliding door tracks are already in place.

    Continuing to pray for these people of God and their inspiring faith, work ethic and humble community. This is what we should all be striving for – loving and supporting each other unconditionally.

  7. Jon – that is one fabulous photo, especially the section on top of the roof with the men against the dramatic sky – it almost looks staged! The colors harmonize with the sky – fantastic.

  8. Such a beautiful photo, Jon. I also love the black and white photo taken earlier this morning. This is SO much more than just building a barn……. it is joy, community and food for the soul. I can’t wait to see more! I feel as if I am there in spirit. It makes me want to jump up and down with joy!
    Susan M

  9. It’s their sense of community and commitment to one another, I long for. Another time, a big family, a great neighborhood and a great town. It was that sense of caring so much for each other. Happy for the Amish.

  10. What an amazing photo! You captured a humming portrait of harmony – a dynamic contrast and yet synergy of humans and nature !
    I wish I could articulate better…
    This photo makes my heart sing! Let me know if you decide to sell prints!

  11. I count 32 men at work on three levels!
    This is astonishing, humbling, beautiful, and lots more wonderful adjectives.
    I wonder how many more men (and women) are out of frame?
    How wonderful to be able to experience this from afar.
    Thank you, Jon. Excellent and inspiring as always.

  12. Thank you for all your work on this project and sharing your thoughts with us. I really appreciate your writing . Like everyone I liked this photograph very much, and also the ones of the magnificent horses.

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