28 July

Getting To Know My Leica. Scary, But Exciting

by Jon Katz

My Leica arrived today, and I will admit that the camera terrified me. First of all, it is expensive.

Secondly, I’ve never owned a Leica or touched one. This is a huge step for me and thus unnerving.

And finally, I used my wonderful Canon almost every day of my photographic life for ten years.

The Leica is a stranger to me, a small, solid, beautiful machine. But the Iphone comes through for me in color every day.  That is very important. Black and white is a passion, but not every day. For ordinary life, I want color. For art, I’ll use the Leica.

It is logical and almost easy to use (I’m still trying to find the autofocus). Beyond that, I was running back and forth to Moise’s barn-raising all day, and then the power went out for four hours in the farmhouse.

I took two photos outside in the garden; I love to photograph flowers in black and white, and one of an Iphone photo of the barn raising, which I thought fitting.

So I’ll put up these first few photos. They are only a fraction of the range and emotion of this camera, but they do offer a glimpse into it’s extraordinary detail., for me, the heart of the black and white photograph.

First, the lily above. Then below. A barn-raising photo was stored on my Iphone. The phone was four inches from the camera, and it was dark.


Secondly, one of my Zinnia’s at 4 p.m. in sunlight.

Third, a photo of the Leica itself. I’m still afraid of it, but I love it already.


I have a lot to learn with this camera, but it is intuitive, logical, and I can already sniff its wonderfulness. I was hoping you could take a look; I do not regret paying for it with every camera and lens that I have ever own, even though I had nightmares about this all night.


  1. How I love B&W photography, but I completely understand why you’d be afraid of such a great piece of camera equipment. I too, shoot with a Canon – a full-frame 6D – and that was a huge step for me! I’ve always wanted to try out a 5D Mark IV. I can’t wait to see more of what you do with the Leica!

  2. Jon, thanks for the information about your new Leica. I may follow you to this financial precipice, as I cut my photographic teeth on black-and-white photos in the 1970s as a photojournalist. I can understand the artistic appeal, and the ever-improving iPhone camera takes care of 90% of my color photography needs (and it’s always with me). I can’t wait to see b&w photos of your three dogs as well as other animals on your farm.

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