12 July

Windowsill Gallery: Cyclamen On A Rainy Day

by Jon Katz

It’s going to be raining all day, some flooding around us. A good day to stay inside, write, read and maybe meditate. I’ve got to make some Mansion deliveries, and also go check on Moise and the barn raising.

The rain means nothing to Amish workers, I’m not sure they even notice it. The cyclamen plants look eerie and interesting in the windowsills.


  1. Jon, I love how you have befriended a supportive neighbor. It is so uplifting and comforting to have such a close relationship that each would do anything for each other if needed. My husband and I are in our eighties now and we grieve that our two children live far from us. We live in a very small group of houses in the suburbs of central NY state. Many of the homes are on the 3rd generation of families who have bought here, leaving us as the 2nd oldest of all the people owning homes. They are busy struggling with their own families with work and/or child care so are not giving and friendly like the home owners used to be. We fear that since our family is long gone that we have nobody to rely on in an emergency. I would love to have your neighbors live near us for companionship. We read your blog every day and appreciate your uplifting and sometimes controversial postings. You really make us think in many ways. You are an educator (which we were before retiring) who is still learning from your friends and blog readers. Go ahead and read what your critical people write and be happy in your own opinions on matters. Some people criticize as conversation.

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