4 July

My Blueberry Bushes

by Jon Katz

I feel like I’m on a roll, planting-wise. I got Moise 43 blueberry bushes for his farm, and I bought two for myself. Mine have been sprouting fruit, green so far, and I might not see blueberries until next year.

The plants and the berries look healthy and strong. They’ve gotten a lot of sun and lots of rain. I’ve got fencing and mesh around them to keep off the deer, rabbits, and birds.

I’ve trimmed them back since blueberry bushes come back strong when trimmed. Green berries are not usually a problem with cultivation.

Cultivars that naturally ripen in later summer or early autumn stay green longer, and it can be frustrating if you’re eager to pick berries, which I am. Some just wait for the cooler weather to ripen.

I talked to the seller after I got them, and he says these will stay green until late August orĀ  September. I like the way they look, I have faith in them. My berries like cold weather and a cold winter.

They’re in the right place.


  1. Glad that your blueberry bushes are doing so well. You inspire your readers to try something new. I admire you taking on new projects

    Happy 4th of July!??

  2. The leaf color looks like you may have a deficiency, possibly phosphorous, not normal for this time of year. May want to do a soil test, inexpensive from Cornell, about $20. Will also give you pH which is VERY important for blueberries.

    1. Thanks, Marianne, the seller says this kind of bush blues late in the summer, August or September. She says fat and gree, for now, is good and healthy. We’ll see.

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