2 July

Thanks, The First Two Tablets For The Mansion Have Arrived

by Jon Katz

Thanks, Army of Good, for supporting my campaign to give every Mansion resident who can use one a tablet for communicating with their families and friends, listening to music, playing their own games, and watching movies.

Tania Woodward, a Mansion aide, is distributing the tablets and helping the residents set them up.

Since one of the residents planned to get one left the Mansion unexpectedly, I’ve asked Tania to use her tablet to instruct the other residents now and further on.

Ruth is the first one to get a tablet, followed by Charles. We raised enough to buy every resident who needs and can use one a tablet and have about $400 leftover to go into the Mansion Fund. It won’t be there long.

A special thanks to Nancy for sending a donation that permitted me to buy most of the tablets early enough to get a bigger discount.

That makes it possible for me to two, possibly three, more. We talk to the residents one by one to see who can handle a tablet and wants one. I don’t think there will be too many more, but I want to make everyone who wants one gets one and the training to use it.

We need to be slow and sure because this is a liberating tool, it will give the residents the freedom to govern much of their own entertainment and culture, and privacy and connect with the world.

Sadly, most of the residents cannot use these devices; the staff will continue to offer lots of entertainment and craft classes and lessons.

We’re doing this carefully and thoughtfully.

I’ll get some photos of the residents using the tablets once we get them set up and trained after the Fourth. I’m glad this happened this holiday weekend; to me, this is what the country is really about – a generous and caring land.


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