2 July

My Re-Imagined Amish Penny Jar. What A Wonderful Wife I Have

by Jon Katz

Maria saw my new Amish Penny Jar sitting out on the table by the front door, took it into her studio, and re-imagined it with a strip of canvas, some color pencils, and two elastics.

I love it.

Instead of taking money from the Amish for rides and occasional things I bring them, I have begun accepting pennies instead. The pennies go into my Amish Penny Jar, and when it fills up, we’re all going to Stewart’s convenience store for some ice cream.

I happily accept payment for the things they ask me to buy, but not for the things I decide to buy – ice cubes, dog food, books, etc. The pennies work for me, and I think they like feeling like they are at least paying me something.

I got six more cents today for ice cubes (they don’t have a refrigerator) for their ice chest. I am so lucky to be married to Maria, an artist of the soul.

I didn’t ask her to do this; she just came up with it. She has the artists touch, she can always turn s traw into gold.

She knew I loved this jar and knew I would love it dressed up a bit. And I do. How lucky I am.

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