2 July

For The Drought People

by Jon Katz

For the people suffering drought and unable to water their gardens, I’m’ continuing to put up a photo of a day of one of the beautiful flowers erupting in our gardens.

I was reluctant to do this, I didn’t want to rub it in, but many of you are writing to ask me to post photos and to thank me, as your flowers are stunted or dying from lack of water.

Here in the East, we are thinking of you and praying for you. I’ll keep posting (so is Maria) and keep hoping, and I hope you are all keeping the faith.


  1. Yes Jon, please keep posting photos of your beautiful flowers for us out west! And anything green. Those beautiful drops of water are so refreshing. I’m sure all of us will never tire of your generous sharing like you and Maria are doing. Thanks so much.

    1. Thanks Joan, I am very happy to be helpful and sorry gardeners all over are having such a hard time. I promise to keep it up, hang in there.

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