29 June

My New Amish Pennies Jar

by Jon Katz

My Amish friends are fixed in their ways, and they know already that I am fixed in mine. We’ve had good-natured spats about money.

I’m happy to take reimbursement for things they ask me to buy – dog food, occasional supplies, pie tins, and donut boxes.

I won’t accept payment for rides, anything done in an emergency, or for the books and cookbooks and coloring books I bring. It’s a joke between us, especially among the sisters, Delilah and Fanny.

They say, “what do we owe you?” and I say nothing, and they say, “are you sure?” once or twice, and I say yes. This is a big thing with the Amish. They pay their own way and repay debts instantly and graciously. They do not borrow money.

By now, I figure they would have given it up, but as I get to know them, I understand there is steel beneath that gentle facade. These are Willa Cather women, they are strong.

They think I should get paid for these things, and I don’t ever take money for any good deeds I do. We’re at an impasse, neither side is weakening.

So I’ve taken a new tack. Now I say, “okay, it’s two cents,” or today I said a cookbook I was bringing was “three cents.”

At first, they thought I was kidding or weren’t sure what I was doing. Delilah decided to go with it; she brought me three cents yesterday for some books.

I heard a lot of chuckles in the kitchen.

Today, Fanny just smiled and went into the other room and came back with two cents. I said I was starting an Amish Penny Jar, and when it was full, we could all go out to some antique or bric-a-brac store and buy something for the rooms in their new house.

This idea was a big hit. I’ve got five cents in my glass jar; the Amish Pennies Jar is up and running. At the rate we’re going, I’ll be able to buy something in the  early winter.


  1. Great idea! The girls will have fun with this and it’ll give them something to look forward to. We have two big jars at home – one for pennies and the other for silver. When they’re filled we take them to the bank to be counted then go out for dinner, courtesy of our savings.

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