16 June

The Mansion Fund Needs Some Help. I Hope To Keep Our Miracle Going

by Jon Katz

In a few weeks, we’ll post an Amazon Wish List for the art class Sue Silverstein is running this summer to give some of the students at Bishop Maginn High School an alternative to being on the streets, which are especially violent right now.

She will need some creative art supplies. There’s a huge spike in shooting in Albany, and some kids have nowhere else to go but school.

That won’t be expensive, Sue never asks for much, and I’m scaling down the gift card program; the number of families with food insecurity is dwindling as the pandemic eases.

The school may have some needs in the fall, but I think the Bishop Maginn Fund will be quiet for most of the summer.

The Mansion Fund is another story. It was down to $180, I switched some money around, and it’s up to $308 now.

We are recovering from the pandemic trauma, but it did cost some money.  We helped keep them safe during a terrible time for the elderly.

The Mansion and the residents had many bottled-up needs, which are almost entirely met right now.

Many new residents came while I could not visit the Mansion; we had a lot of catching up to do.

The residents who need clothes have them, the rooms that need air conditioning have them, the garden is well supported. I want to fund some outings; the crafts program is booming, there are movies and music available. I also hope to fund some musical appearances, some boat rides in autumn in Lake George, donuts, and treats during the week.

I want to renew the occasional catered lunch program with Jean’s Place. The residents and aides love it and describe it as a great morale booster. Everybody at the Mansion is still shell-chocked. But the lunches alone cost nearly $300.

I’d also like to support the new Memory Care Center at the Mansion if I can. They need some of the books, puzzles, and toys created for the memory impaired.

The Mansion is a Medicaid facility; most Medicaid facilities for the elderly face low reimbursement fees from the government and are struggling. It’s a wonderful place, full of loving administrators and aides. They are worthy of support.

The aides who needed medicine carts have them; we’ve bought many scrub shorts for the summer. I also try to fun a program where an aide can take an especially needy resident out to lunch. We support their new break room and just bought an umbrella for the break table they are using out front.

The fund could use some building up; I’m getting close to the bottom.

If you can, please send a contribution to me via Paypal, [email protected], or via Venmo, [email protected]. You can also contribute by check, Jon Katz, Mansion Fund, P.O.Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

Mark it “Mansion Fund,” but I’ll know what it is if it comes through Papal and Venmo this month. I’m contributing 10 percent of the money I receive in blog support to the Mansion Fund. I want to renew my commitment.

I’m especially eager to purchase tickets for our annual boat ride in October; the residents have come to love the steamboat ride with lunch, wobbly music, and cafeteria food. It’s Buckingham Palace to them.

It costs around $800.

As we approach the winter, I will need to buy some warmer sweaters, shoes, blankets, and pajamas for some new residents; some are especially needy.

I have only one aide left on the food card program now; that support will end shortly.

We can help, but we can’t do permanent social work; we would burn out—small acts of great kindness.

I’m always a little reluctant to ask for money, but I think the worst is over. I want to maintain the level of support we were providing before the world turned upside down.

I’m almost speechless with gratitude for the support you have given our work. Throughout this difficult year, everyone we tend to had food, shelter, and clothing.

The Mansion and Bishop Maginn had the tools they needed to keep the residents and the students safe and keep the students learning with the right equipment.

I will go to my grave, seeing that as one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. You all made it possible. I hope to keep our good work going. I’m in.


  1. Hi Jon,
    You have been such an inspiration to me.
    I sought out what I could do in my community and found our Aging in Place group that helps Seniors stay in their homes. I will be volunteering to be a driver, companion, making meals and gardening. Although I am a senior citizen I still have much to give… like you.
    I’ve sent a donation for the Mansion via Venmo.
    Keep up the good work
    Pat Modzelewski

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