8 June

Shut-In, Inspiration All Around Me

by Jon Katz

Between my good and the heat, I’m under house arrest, a different kind of quarantine. Fortunately, my study is inspiring and uplifting, and fun, a good place to hole up for a few days.

Maria keeps up a running supply of beautiful fresh flowers, and I have my chicken and my crow just off my right side. They all inspire me, the crow for their intelligence, the chicken for her absurdity, and the flower for color and light.

It’s a beautiful brew. I added a small window air conditioner to the mix, and I might stay here all day long. I will come out to conduct Test 2 in the Amish Cart Chronicles, a wider version of 3-D illuminating strip number one, the first test.

If it’s as successful as the first, it’s time to bring it to Moise.


  1. Hi. First. Take care of your foot. Feet are so important. Second I want to send Maria quilt fabrics I’m not using. Could you tell me the address to send to. Thanks

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